Ayelet Halamish Ayelet Halamish

Equal Pay for Equal Work?

While working a giant TelCom Corp. one of the things that would cause my blood pressure to skyrocket and my face contort into a semi-permanent  scowl was the frustration of working effectively and efficiently without getting credit for it. I would create scripts and shortcuts and play the most productivity boosting playlist in order to best meet the mission impossible set before me. The mission: 

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Ayelet Halamish Ayelet Halamish

Reclaim your Power

All of a sudden Liv felt her face go up at least 5 degrees and a wave of pain in her chest, followed by anger quickly spreading from her toes straight to her heart and through to her throat. In that moment everything she has worked for, going to school and missing out on parties in order to get the grades, living off of Ramen Noodles for months long after college, to fighting and threatening to quit at every stage in order to get the middle management position she currently holds.

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Ayelet Halamish Ayelet Halamish

Warning: Hot Coffee Ruining Your Day!!

At the coffee maker in the office kitchenette two guys are chatting about the latest X-Men movie, specifically, how amazing Storm’s breasts look mid-hurricane. Then a woman named Liv who happens to be the office live wire walks by and immediately gets on her soapbox: “How rude! How dare you demean women that way!!!”

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