Ayelet Halamish Ayelet Halamish

The Inspiration of Wonder Woman

Wonder Woman kicked box office ass with a worldwide total of $223 million. For a film that has been in development since 1996, Wonder Woman has continued the slow and quiet battle only to emerge as a gianormous success financially and creatively.

 Superheroing has been the ultimate dream job. Be honest, flying, fighting bad guys and saving the world, who wouldn't want that on their CV?

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Ayelet Halamish Ayelet Halamish

Coffee Corner

I love trivia. The more random “useless” facts I have clogging up my brain the better. I just seem to soak them up like a sponge. I thought I would share some with you. Be that person who at the coffee break at work just throws out some random interesting fact, that I will admit sometimes gets a strange stare in response, but usually leads to a ‘huh, I had no idea, how do you know this stuff?’

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Ayelet Halamish Ayelet Halamish

Chivalry: Dead or Alive?

My immediate thoughts were of the male/female dynamic when it comes to chivalry. The man feeling like a man when he is in position to take care of and protect the weak. Before you get upset with me for claiming women are “weak,” for the sake of conversation let’s agree that “weak” is not a negative quality. Maybe “vulnerable” is a better choice of words.

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